
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sandy's Diary - 1959

I was in an antique store today and came across a '5 Year Diary' from The Standard Diary Company, a division of Wilson Jones, New York City.  Price: $3.50.  It is white with faded gold lettering and a lock.  There is no key, but the lock opens.  Each page has the day on top and there are 4 lines per day for each of the five years.  At first look, it appeared to be blank.  I can picture someone thumbing through the book and thinking it was unused.  Had they noticed the writing, I don't think they'd have sent it off to be sold.

The writing begins on September 30, 1959.  (That was a Wednesday.)  The owner of the diary did not write  for long; just Sept. 30 to Dec 2, and she skipped many days.  Based on the entries, I can piece together that her name or nickname is Sandy, she seems to be in high school and she was probably in central Wisconsin.

Her entries show that teenage angst hasn't changed much in 53 years.  On the slim chance that you know the author of this diary, send me a message.  I'd love to give it back to her, or to a relative.  I figure Sandy would be about 68-70 years old today.

I've transcribed it with spelling, punctuation and notations as written.  Some letters/words were unclear.  Little notations are in parenthesis approximate to where they were scribbled.

September 30
Today is my birthday, and I recieved this diary, a dog from my honey, pen, lamp, 2 purfume, bracelet from a surprise party the girls gave me.  He didn't come over tonight & I miss him.  No letter from Ole today.

October 1
Had band tonight & then went with Dave.  He's so good to me and he loves me too.

October 2
Got a letter from Ole.  He loves me too.  Am I in a mess.  Got A+ in my Eng. test.  Nita's mad as she gave me the test questions.  Dave came over to Akeys.  We are trying (+.b.q.) As it means to much to Mother.  We won our game 13-6

October 3
Babysat at Micheals, was a pig pen.  Dave came over.  He would make an excellent husband.

October 4
Mother and Dianne went to City Point.  Dave & I stayed home.  Spent all weekend writing a shitty sonnet.

October 5
Skipped school is morning.  Wrote a letter to Ole. - Dave was late picking me up for band.  I slept over at Muschis.

October 6
Gosh, I am falling in love with Dave.  It bothered me because I didn't think he was caming overtonight.

October 7
Was nominated to be a candidate for homecoming queen.  Hope I get it.  Judy Mier doesn't want me to get it though.

October 8
Didn't get the nomination but it was close.  Went up to Paul's place.

October 9
Got my period.  Went to Point with Dave & Diane.  Am I in agony.

October 10
Went to Madison with Hauke.  Saw the cutest boy.  O - la -la.  - Hauke is crazy  Babysat at Akeys.  Had a bal in the house.

October 11
Ate dinner & supper at Judy & Al's. - Went to the show with Maria Lanza in .  Louise asked me to live with her when I go to college.

October 12
Band tonight.  Ugh.  Juanita is quitting cheer leading. - ?  First snow fall. - Very pretty.

October 13
Nita didn't quit, was because of the cheating going around about her.  Dull day.

October 14
Am pretty ritzy had my hair done at the beauty shop.  Dave said, "Sandy, I want to marry you, etc. Don't ever leave me. - also.  I am confused.  Oh boy am I.

October 15
 Had picture taken today.  Hope they turn out

October 16
Went to the game with Geno & Butch Snay.  What a riot. - We won.  Dave went out and got drunk.

October 17
Nothing new. - Dave, Marge and I rode around.  He stayed all night (ou16) drinking with Lucille Bridle and Dorothy Gilbert. - I am furious.

October 18
Studied this afternoon.  Dave worked.

October 19
Band, studies for chem-isty at Judy's.  Opa Shir. said Henery Kmjs. better watch out as my boyfriend is bigger than him.  ha

October 20
Got only 1 wrong in chemistry am dumbfounded.  So is everyone.  The little grade school kids have been falling all over me.  Must be sick.

October 21
Skipped instructions as I am in Homecoming skit

October 22
Worked on the float & pep skit.

October 23
Karbauski is queen.  Ugh. - Went to the dance with Dave - nice; met 3 cute guys all in one night.  2 from Nekoosa but go to La Crosse State & 1 from Hungary.  Rained cats & dogs for our game talked all thorough & am soaked.  Won 6-0

October 24 (3.50 1.00)
Babysat at Akeys. Dave came over and he gave me a ride home - -

October 25
Studies for chemistry all afternoon with Judy.  Talked to Marge on phone for an hour & she thinks I am lucky to have Dave. So do I.  Babysat at Akeys.

November 10
Haven't wrote for a long time. - Is too boring in this town.  Hate (don't like) Nancy Weaver.  She can flunk test & still get As.  What a badcuse.

November 13
I think today was the day.

December 1
We are fudding with N. Mauer yet.  I gahce care if y she goes & jumps in a lake.

December 2
Xmas is growing near & I am saving money like mad.  See Dave & love one him yet.

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