
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Top Hat Ducky

One of my kids worked on a story project with some classmates.  This is the result.  I did not correct the spelling or typos.

Top Hat Duckey

It Started
There was a duck, his name was Top Hat Ducky.  He stunk so bad you had to plug your nose when you walked by.  He had five open heart surgeries.  He is unhealthy and belches when he eats bugs, worms, somemores and sugar.  He camps and fishes a lot.  One day he went camping in the forbidden woods.  He burped so loud the trees tipped over.  It smelt like moth balls.  He heard a rustle in the bushes.  He took out his ninja suit and swiftly put it on.  A bear jumped out of the bushes!  Top Hat Ducky slashed him with a one sword swing.  The bear was dead.

When Death Arrives
Top Hat Ducky thought he was safe, but then, he was attacked by a dinosaur skeleton!  top Hat Ducky thought he was doomed!  Then, the Incredibles (the movie), with five tanks and ten bazookas shot the dinosaur skeleton, saving Top Hat Ducky.  Soon wild porcupines began to ambush them.  The Incredibles shot the porcupines to pieces and took the bones to the science fair.  Tired and exhausted from fear, Top Hat Ducky lit a bug and said, "It's all done" and drank some hot coffee.  Dukey found a tree by a village and slept.

Death and Deaths Pet
The next days...Top Hat Ducky woke up and he saw that he was in jail with a dragon!  He said to the dragon "how will we get out of here".  The dragon said, I thought you would ask.'  The dragon took a deep breath sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
He melted the jail bars!  They ran away.  Now Ducky had a pet.  They hid in a castle but there were too many traps set through out so they left.  Ducky and the dragon left to the camp site to start a warm camp fire.

The Ending
Top Hat Ducky woke up from a horrible nightmare!  "It was just an evil dream", he said to himself.  The pulled the camper home where he reunited with his wife Hortanse and two twin boys Hubert and Huggly.

The End

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